Friday, February 27, 2009


NASA budget request totals $18.7 billion

UPI — The U.S. space agency would receive $18.7 billion during fiscal 2010 based on the budget request U.S. President Barack Obama presented Thursday to Congress.
The budget proposal's $18.7 billion for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, combined with the $1 billion provided to the agency in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, represents an increase of more than $2.4 billion from NASA's 2008 budget.
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Obama's Budget Calls For Shuttle Program To End As Planned

MSNBC — President Barack Obama released a budget blueprint on Thursday that included a call for NASA to retire the shuttle program as planned.
Obama's plan calls for $2 billion of space shuttle funding through 2010 as well as funding for an additional mission if it can be executed safely, but it does not call for an extension of the shuttle program.
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Obama backs Moon return in NASA budget

New Scientist — NASA will stay on track to return humans to the Moon by 2020, according to an overview of President Obama's 2010 budget request released on Thursday.
Recently, various groups - including Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin and the space advocacy group the Planetary Society - have called for NASA to send astronauts to new destinations, such as asteroids.
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